Letters, Retrieval Requests and Legal


Thrive does not provide disability letters, companion pet letters, or letters regarding your ability to work, or any letters that would inform providers of your mental health history. You must discuss these needs with your medical or primary care provider. If a letter is required attesting the client’s needs, the therapist will provide it for a fee of $35 per one-page letter and $25 for each additional page. Letters are only provided to clients who have been seen for 8 sessions or longer.

Records Requests/Retrieval

Illinois Statute 735 ILCS ⅝-2001 allows providers to charge a retrieval fee for medical records sent to entities such as law offices, disability claims, and other organizations. While medical records requests will be fulfilled, there is an allowable 7 business days to fulfill the request. Please see table below for retrieval fees.

Requesting Party Retrieval Fee Per Page Fee

  • Patient/Client $10 pages 1-25 = $0.75
  • Social Security Disability $10 pages 26-50 = $0.50
  • Workers Compensation $10 pages 51+ = $0.25
  • Other Organizations $10

Court Appearance

Clients are discouraged from having the therapist subpoenaed. Though the client’s attorney, who initiates the subpoena request, is responsible for the court appearance and testimony fees, it does not mean that the therapist’s testimony will be solely in the client’s favor. The therapist will only testify their professional opinion and to the facts of the case.

The following fees apply for court appearances:

  • Preparation time (including submission of records)
  • Phone calls $220/hour
  • Depositions $220/hour
  • Email or written letters $250/hour
  • Time required giving testimony $200/hour
  • Mileage $0.54/mile
  • Time away from office due to depositions or testimony $220/hour
  • Filing a document with the court $100 (plus court fees)
  • The minimum charge for court appearance $1500

Any and all legal fees and costs incurred by the therapist as a result of legal action.

Please note : A retainer of $1500 is due in advance. If a subpoena or notice to meet attorney(s) is received without a minimum of a 48-hour notice, there will be an additional $250 “express” charge. If the case is reset with notice of less than 72 business-hours, the client will be charged $500 (in addition to the retainer of $1500). All fees are doubled if the therapist has to postpone or interrupt plans to go out of town.

435 W. Washington
Springfield, IL 62702

(217) 203-6600

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